General information
Lindmark Legal is a sole proprietor based in Amsterdam. The general terms and conditions, available in Dutch and English, are applicable to all services provided by Lindmark Legal.
Lindmark Legal is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 70909814 and has VAT registration number NL002201250B06.
Lindmark Legal has chosen not to make use of a third-party bankaccount and will therefore not accept third-party amounts.
Stina Lindmark has registered corporate law as her principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister). Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in such registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
Lindmark Legal is obliged to identify its clients, the ultimate beneficial owner(s) thereof and other stakeholders to comply with the regulations on money-laundering and preventing financing of terrorism. You may be requested to provide personal data to ensure such identification. Lindmark Legal is responsible for processing the data in a way compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016/679) and will use the data solely for the purpose of its legal obligation to identify the client. Please contact Lindmark Legal if you require information about which personal data is processed and how long such data is kept.
Lindmark Legal strives for perfection in the service towards the client. Are you unsatisfied with any of the services? Please inform your contact at Lindmark Legal about your complaint first. If you do not come to a satisfying solution, please turn to ms K. Kaldenbach in writing for further handling:
In case of long-term absence of Stina Lindmark, colleague lawyer ms K. Kaldenbach of Labour & Law attorney’s at law (Say Building B, John M. Keynesplein 25, 1066 EP Amsterdam) will look after her clients. You can reach ms Kaldenbach through or by phone +31 20 261 9546.